Levels determine the way you can restrict access and sell subscriptions to your customers.
When you set a level you establish:
- The access provided by that level.
- How the level is acquired by the user.
The level’s slug needs to be unique and based strictly on lower-case characters with no special characters or spaces.
1. Access Type
First off you need to decide which type of access you want to provide to your users with the current level. Based on access type there are a few different payment options available:
LifeTime – the customer will have access for a very long period of time to restricted content.
If this is a paid level a single payment is required.
Limited – the customer will have access only for a certain period of time (nr. of days/weeks/months).
If this is a paid level a single payment is required.
Date Range – the customer will have access for a fixed period of time
If this is a paid level a single payment is required.
Regular Period – the customer will have access for a cycle-based period of time (days,weeks, months, years) and the level period will be updated.
If this is a paid level a recurring payment is required.

2. Billing Options
Each level can be made available either for free or as a paid plan.
If a payment is requested, the payment type (single / recurring) depends on the respective’s level access type.
Level Price – is the amount of money that will be charged for the respective level.
Billing Recurrences – available only for recurring payments, determines for how long the user will be charged: OnGoing (unlimited) or Limited cycles.
Trial Period – can be assigned a Trial Price and a Trial Period. If you’re using recurring payments, this can be set for a specific period or nr. of recurring Cycles.
Some payment gateways have certain restrictions for when a trial is set. Follow the additional messages:

3. Other Settings
Show up in Subscription Plan – option can hide the level from the Subscription Plan List if you do not want to display this as a selectable option for the user.