Filters to Customize Product Table
You can use the following filters to change styles –
This filter will help you to change the default styles of Product Table and Product Image in the emails –
/* The woo_ca_email_template_table_style filter allows you to change the default styles of product table & product image provided by WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery plugin. * */ add_filter('woo_ca_email_template_table_style','wcar_product_table_styles', 10 ); function wcar_product_table_styles( $style ){ $style['product_image']['style'] = 'height: 42px; width: 42px;'; $style['table']['style'] = 'color: #636363; border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; width:250px; height:auto'; $style_filter['table']['attribute'] = 'align="center"'; return $style; }
The below filter will display the Cart Total including Tax and Shipping cost in the Product Table –
// Show product table with cart total including tax and shipping cost add_filter( 'woo_ca_recovery_enable_cart_total', '__return_true' );