Email notifications are sent automatically by the Ultimate Membership Pro plugin via the Notifications module.
Notifications are sent based on user actions and upon admin approval of a new user.
There are two main notifications types based on Destinations:
- User notifications
- Admin notifications
The admin is notified when:
- A new user has just registered.
The user is notified when:
- A new account has been created.
- His account is approved.
- His account is deleted.
- For double email verification.
- His level is going to expire.
- His level has expired.
- A password reset is requested.
- A new payment is made.
- His profile is updated.
Where can the Notifications be managed?
You can manage/add/edit any email notification from the UMP Dashboard -> Notifications tab.

Notifications can be set to be delivered only for certain levels.
Email notifications can be different from one level to another.
For Double Email Verification you need to activate this option from the Register Form settings. You also need two notifications active: Double E-mail Verification Request and Double E-mail Verification Validated.
For additional settings you should check the options from UMP Dashboard -> General Options -> Notifications page.