Local Pickup
Local Pickup is a method that allows the customer to pick up the order themselves.
Setup and Configuration
To use this method it must be added to a Shipping Zone.
1/ Go to Our website > Settings > Shipping.
2/ Select a Shipping Zone, and click the + icon to Add Shipping Method. A modal window will display.

3/ Select Local Pickup from the dropdown.

4/ Click Add shipping method.
5/ Click Local Pickup in the row you wish to define.

This takes you to a different screen.
6/ Enter a Title that displays to customers in checkout – some shops change the title to Local Delivery, for example.

7/ Select Tax Status – Define whether or not tax is applied to the shipping amount.
8/ Enter Cost – Cost for the option, is applied to entire cart.
9/ Save changes.
Customer view
Customers residing in the zone with this shipping option are able to select this in the cart and during checkout.
Cart view

Checkout view