How do I change common PDF options?
In order to change the more common options for your PDFs, simply add the following action to your themes functions.php
function custom_bewpi_mpdf_options( $options ) { $options['mode'] = ''; $options['format'] = ''; // use [format]-L or [format]-P to force orientation (A4-L will be size A4 with landscape orientation) $options['default_font_size'] = 0; $options['default_font'] = 'opensans'; $options['margin_left'] = 14; $options['margin_right'] = 14; $options['margin_top'] = 14; $options['margin_bottom'] = 0; $options['margin_header'] = 14; $options['margin_footer'] = 6; $options['orientation'] = 'P'; // Also try to force with format option return $options; } add_filter( 'bewpi_mpdf_options', 'custom_bewpi_mpdf_options' );
Please test the functionality on a development environment of your website. If it ceases to work, please revert back to the original state of your website and follow the tutorial again.