Bulk Edit of Serialized (Jsoned) Woocommerce Products Meta Data
In WOOBE version 2.0.2/1.0.2 added new functionality related to the bulk edit of jsoned meta fields (and not only bulk). Data editing tools realized as popup with textinputs where are keys and values. There is 2 types of serialized meta data with which WOOBE can work:
- array – where data is presented as: key->value AND key->array(key1->value1, key2->value2, key2->value2)
- object – where data is presented as: key->{key1->value1, key2->value2, key2->value2}
ATTENTION: Do not mix array type and object type structure on the same popup! Also be sure that data order changing will not break logic of the plugin which works with that data.
Shortly algorithm is the next:
- on the any one single product back-end set meta data as you always did it and save
- go to WOOBE plugin page and include that meta key in tab Meta Fields using field ‘Get meta keys from any product by its ID‘
- set for meta key you need type ‘array‘ and then press Save button
- after page reloading in tab Settings find and enable column of that new meta key and press Save data button
- after page reloading you will see in the Product Editor tab column of that new meta field
- you have 2 ways to bulk edit data there:
- use ‘binded editing‘ – select products on the same page of Product Editor, enable switcher ‘binded editing‘, click on button ‘Array‘ in the column of the product which you prepared as an example, edit data in popup if you need it or instantly click on ‘Apply‘ button of the popup and wait until operation finished
- use tab ‘Bulk Edit‘ on the screen top – use products filtering if you need it or use checkboxes for selection, or make bulk edit operation to all products of your shop
- click on button ‘Array‘ in that column of the product which you prepared as an example, go to tab Bulk Edit and check that new meta field there, click on button of that meta field to see & set data, click ‘Apply‘ button of the popup, click on button ‘Do Bulk Edit‘ and wait until operation finished
- after bulk operations you can set individual data for each product if you necessary directly in the Products Editor tab using button ‘Array‘ for each product
- For more clear picture watch the video below
For array example in video below presented WooCommerce Currency Switcher and for object example plugin Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce