CartFlows supports Supports PayPal Standard & PayPal Express Checkout & Stripe.
I. PayPal Standard :
Below are the things that are necessary to accept the payments
- Enable PayPal Standard Checkbox
- Enable PayPal sandbox checkbox if you want to enter the test payment disable it when you want to accept the live payment
- Enable logging Checkbox to record any error if occurred
- Enable IPN email notifications
- If you are enabling the “IPN email notifications” then you must have to enter the “PayPal identity token“
- Set Payment action to the “Capture” option
- Enter API credentials
- Enter Sandbox API credentials for sandbox if the testing mode is enabled
- Enter Live API credentials want to accept the live payment
II. PayPal Express Checkout:
Below are the things that are necessary to accept the payments
- Enable PayPal Checkout Checkbox
- Set the Environment to live/sandbox
- Add the sandbox/live API Credentials to accept the payment
- In the “Advanced Settings“, Section enable the Debug Log
- Go to CartFlows -> Setting -> Enable the Reference Transactions. ( What are Reference Transactions? )
III. Stripe:
Below are the things that are necessary to accept the payments
- Enable Stripe checkbox
- Enable Test mode if you want to test the payment.
- Add Live/Test Publishable Key
- Add Live/Test Secret Key
Frequently Asked Questions about the Working of PayPal/Stripe!
Does the user have to activate auto-redirect on PayPal account after payment so that it should be redirected to the upsell?
No, not compulsory.
Does the user have to add the identity token to the WooCommerce’s PayPal settings?
Yes, if the IPN email notification is enabled.
What are Reference Transactions?
Reference Transactions allow you to set a Billing Agreement between a merchant and customer at the time of checkout. This Billing Agreement with the customer allows you to charge the customer at a later time.
Why Reference Transactions?
To run true “One Click” Upsell, CartFlows uses Reference Transactions to enable One Click Upsells after checkout. It utilizes a Billing agreement between you and your customer and charges the customer if the offer is accepted.
Can I run upsells if the reference transaction is off in my PayPal account?
Yes! You can run up-sells even if reference transactions are off. The only change in flow that it would need, one additional confirmation from PayPal to process the payment. So it’s two-click up-sells. To understand the difference in detail
How to start the process of enabling Reference Transactions?
- You can also contact PayPal via email.
- Log into your PayPal account.
- Go to the Email Contact Form.
- Choose topic: My Account.
- Choose sub-topic: Changing/Updating Account Information.
- Copy and paste the message below, inserting your PayPal email address and name.
You can also contact PayPal via email.
Log into your PayPal account.
Go to the Email Contact Form.
Choose topic: My Account.
Choose sub-topic: Changing/Updating Account Information.
Copy and paste the message below, inserting your PayPal email address and name.
Wait for their reply.
Note: The process can vary from one country to another but you can speed up the process by calling PayPal customer care direct