Firstly, it’s worth mentioning that Bank Transfer is just an alternative Offline Payment and it doesn’t involve connecting with any bank account.
The buyer pays his fee via a bank transfer and the admin needs to manually update the user level once the payment is received and confirmed.
1. Set Bank Transfer
Go to UMP Dashboard -> Payment Services -> Bank Transfer box and start setting it up.
If this is the first time you access this page, you need to activate this option by setting the button to on.
There is a special text box where you can provide all the necessary details for your customer to be able to operate a bank transfer (bank details, payment details, etc).
Additional {constants} can be used inside the text message for a unique customization based on user and level.
2. Set Bank Transfer Email Notification
For a better workflow it’s recommended to set an Email Notification as well. It will be sent once the bank message is displayed. This way, your customer will have those payment details in their inbox.
To do this you need to go to the UMP Dashboard -> Notifications tab and create a new notification for this action. The payment details message can be added here.