- I want to access the extended profile data?
If you want to access extended user data, please upgrade to the premium plugin and follow the steps mentioned below.
- Login to miniOrange dashboard (https://login.xecurify.com) with your miniOrange account credentials.
- Go to Social analytics->Social Applications Usage Summary, click on Search and then click on View under Additional Information.
- You will find user details fetched by our Plugin for each login attempt there.
Note: Make sure you have enabled the extended attribute check from the plugin. Also, your app needs to have permissions from user to collect extended attributes.
- Why should I register?
We ask our customers to register with miniOrange because we take care of creating applications for you so that you don’t have to worry about creating applications in each social network.
Also, registration helps us to be in contact with our customers. In case you need any help, we can help you with step by step instructions.
By registering for our plugin, you can also upgrade to our Premium plans with ease. Our premium plans come with a lot more features tailored for providing your users with a seamless login experience.
Please Note: You can go through our Privacy Policy for how we use your information. We don’t sell your information to any third-party organization.
- I cannot see some icons in preview or on blog even though I have selected them in the plugin setting.
Please check if you have an Adblock extension installed on your browser where you are checking the plugin. If you do, the Adblock extension will have a setting to block social buttons. Uncheck this option.
If you don’t have Adblock installed and still face this issue, please contact us using the support form on the right or mail us at info@xecurify.com
- Email share is not working. Why?
Email share is the plugin is enabled through mailto. mailto is generally configured through desktop or browser if it is not working, mailto is not setup or improperly configured.
To set it up properly, search for “mailto settings” followed by your operating system’s name where you have your browser installed.
- There is no option of instagram in social sharing. Why?
Instagram has made a conscious effort to not allow sharing from external sources to fight spam and low quantity photos at this point in time, uploading via Instagram’s API from external sources is not possible.
- Why is sharing with some applications not working?
This issue arises if your website is not publicly hosted. facebook, for example, looks for URI to generate its preview for sharing. That does not work on the localhost or any privately hosted URI.
- It is possible to show sharing icons below the post content?
You can put social sharing icons before the content, after the content or both before and after the content. Go to the sharing tab, check the blog post checkbox and select one of three(before, after, both)options available. save settings.
- My user get the following message-“There was an error in registration. please contact your administration “. What should I do?
This message is thrown by WordPress when there is an error in user registration.
1.To see the actual error thrown by wordpress,go to \wordpress\wp-content\plugins\miniorange-login-openid\class-mo-openid-login-widget.php file.
2.Search for the line:
3.Change it to
4. Save the file and try logging again. please send us the error you while logging in through the support forum to your right.
- I forgot the password of my miniorange account. How can I reset it ?
There are two cases to according to the page you see –
1. Login to the miniorange screen: you should click on forgot password link. you will get your new password on your email address which you have registered with miniorange. now you can login with the new password.
2. Register with miniorange screen: Enter your email ID and any random password in the password and confirm password input box. This will redirect you to login with miniorange screen. Now follow the first step.
- After entering OTP, I get invalid OTP. What should I do?
Use the Resend OTP option to get an additional OTP. please make sure you did not enter the first OTP you received if you selected Resend OTP option to get an additional OTP. Enter the latest OTP since the previous ones expire once you click on Resend OTP.
If OTP sent on your email address are not working, please verify your account using your mobile number. you will get an OTP on your mobile number which you need to enter on the page. If none of the works. please contact using the support form on the right.
- I did not recieve OTP. What should I do?
The OTP send as an email to your email address with which you have registered with miniorange. If you can’t see the email from miniorange in your emails, please make sure to check your SPAM folder.
If you don’t see an email even in the SPAM folder, please verify your account using your mobile number. you will get an OTP on your mobile number which you need to enter on the page. If none of the works. please contact using the support form on the right.
- I want to change the email address with which I access my account. How can I do that?
You will have to register in miniorange again with your new email id. please deactivate and activate the plugin by going to Plugins -> Installed Plugins and then go to the social login plugin to register again. This will enable you to access miniorange dashboard with a new email address.
For any further queries, please submit a query on the right-hand side in our support section.
- My users get the following message -“Registration has been disabled for this site. Please contact your administrator.” What should I do?
This means you must have unchecked the check-box of auto-register in the Social Login tab. Please check it. This will allow new users to be able to register to your site.
- I am getting an error while logging in with Facebook. This URL Is Blocked. The URL http://social.xecurify.com/moas/openid-connect/client-app/callback has been blocked from Facebook.
You can set up the custom app for Facebook in the social login plugin so that the issue is altogether avoided. We have contacted Facebook regarding the blocked URL issue. We are awaiting their response.
Steps to set up custom app:
1. Go to the Custom app tab in the WordPress social login plugin.
2. Click on the Add Application button.
3. Select the facebook app in the dropdown list and follow the instructions to set up the app.
Instructions to configure Custom Facebook App :
1. Go to Facebook developers console https://developers.facebook.com/apps/. Login with your facebook developer account.
2. Click on Create a New App/Add new App button.
3. Enter Display Name and click on Create App ID.
4. Click on Products from the left pane of the page and select Facebook Login and click on Set Up button.
5. Click on Web. Enter your site URL into Site URL option then click on Save.
6. Goto Settings -> Basic from the left pane of the page, Enter App Domain (eg. example.com), your privacy policy URL in Privacy Policy URL and select Category of your website. Then click on Save Changes.
7. From the left pane, select Facebook Login -> Settings.
8.Under Client OAuth Settings, enter {YouWebsiteURL}/openidcallback/{appname} (eg: login.xecurify/openidcallback/facebook ) in Valid OAuth redirect URIs and click Save Changes button.
9. Change your app status from In Development to Live by clicking on OFF (sliding button) beside Status option of the top right corner. Then, click on the Confirm button.
10. Go to Settings –> Basic. Copy the App ID and App Secret and Paste into the Facebook custom app tab in the plugin.
11. Input email, public_profile as scope.
12. Click on the Save settings button.
Please contact us at info@xecurify.com if you need help with the setup.
- How do I center the social login icons?
1.If you are making changes to a PHP file.
Go to the PHP file which invokes your page/post and insert the following html snippet. Also, increase the margin-left value as per your requirement. Save the file.
<div style="margin-left:100px;">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[miniorange_social_login]')?>
2.If you are making changes to an HTML file.
Go to the HTML file which invokes your page/post and insert the following html snippet. Also, increase the margin-left value as per your requirement. Save the file.
<div style="margin-left:100px;">
- Why do my users get a message that it is not secure to proceed?
Your website must be starting with http://. Now generally that’s not an issue but our service uses https://( s stands for secure). You get a warning from the browser that the information is being passed insecurely. This happens after you log in to social media application and are coming back to your website. The warning is triggered from the browser since the data passes from https:// to http://, i.e. from a secure site to non-secure site.
We make sure that the information(email, name, username) getting passed from social media application to your website is encrypted with a key which is unique to you. So, even if the there is a warning of sending information without security, that information is encrypted.
To remove this warning, you can add an SSL certificate to your website to change it to https OR use your own custom app
- I am not able to fetch extended attributes. How do I access extended attributes?
Check the option of Extended Attributes in the Social Login tab. Then in the miniOrange dashboard, go to Social analytics-> Social Applications Usage Summary, click on Search and then click on View under Additional Information to see extended attributes of users who login using your app. You can also download it as a csv there.
Note: Your app needs to have permission from users to collect extended attributes. - Can I configure my own apps for Google, Facebook and Twitter?
Yes, it is possible to configure your own app. That is available in the Standard and Premium plans.
Please contact us using the Support form if you want to purchase these plans.
- After logout I am redirected to blank page?
Your theme and Social Login plugin may conflict during logout. To resolve it you need to uncheck Enable Logout Redirection checkbox under Display Option of Social Login tab.
- How can I redirect to my blog page after login?
You can select one of the options from Redirect URL after login of Display Option section under Social Login tab.
1. Same page where user logged in
2. Homepage
3. Account Dsahboard
4. Custom URL – Example: https://www.example.com
- Social login icons are not added to login/registration form.
Your login/registration form may not be wordpress’s default login/registration form. In this case you can add social login icons to custom login/registration form using ‘social login shortcode’ [miniorange_social_login]. Refer to ‘Shortcode’ tab to add customizations to Shortcode.
- How can i put social login icons on a page without using widgets?
You can add social login icons to any page or custom login page using ‘social login shortcode’ [miniorange_social_login]. Refer to ‘Shortcode‘ tab to add customizations to Shortcode.
- How to add login icons to frontend login page?
You can add social login icons to frontend login page using our shortcode [miniorange_social_login]. Refer to ‘Shortcode’ tab to add customizations to Shortcode.
- I want to access the extended profile data?
If you want to access extended user data, please upgrade to the premium plugin and follow the steps mentioned below.
- Login to miniOrange dashboard (https://login.xecurify.com) with your miniOrange account credentials.
- Go to Social analytics->Social Applications Usage Summary, click on Search and then click on View under Additional Information.
- You will find user details fetched by our Plugin for each login attempt there.
Note: Make sure you have enabled the extended attribute check from the plugin. Also, your app needs to have permissions from user to collect extended attributes.
- How do I logout from the plugin and login with a different email address?
Deactivate the plugin from WordPress dashboard and activate again. Now go to the account setup tab of the plugin and login with the new email.
- Facebook sharing is showing the wrong image. How do I change the image?
The image is selected by Facebook and it is a part of Facebook sharing feature. We provide Facebook with webpage URL. It generates the entire preview of webpage using that URL.
To set an image for the page, set it as a meta tag in of your webpage.
< meta property=”og:image” content=”http://example.com/image.jpg” >
You can further debug the issue with Facebook’s tool – https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object
- Some of the social sharing apps are not working. Why is that?
This issue arises if your website is not publicly hosted. Facebook for example looks for the URL to generate the webpage’s preview for sharing.
- I want to add Syspro E-Commerce Social Login/ Syspro E-Commerce Social Sharing to a custom location on my page. How can I achieve that?
To add Syspro E-Commerce Social Login or Syspro E-Commerce Social Sharing icons to a custom location, use a Shortcode.
- I have added Syspro E-Commerce social sharing – Vertical widget to my page. How can I change its position in the page?
The vertical sharing widget for Syspro E-Commerce Social Sharing gives a couple of options to change its position in the page and also the space between icons. You can align the social sharing widget on the left or right side of the page. You can view these options from Appearance->Widgets or editing the widget options in Customizer.
- I want to upgrade to the Syspro E-Commerce Social Login standard/ premium plan. How can I upgrade?
Please contact us through the support form for the social login standard and premium add-on.
- I want user to select their role on registration
This feature is available in Custom registration add-on which allows the users to select their role during Registration and based on that the user will be given the privileges inside.
- For any other query/problem/request
Please email us at hello@syspro.my.
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