Plugins Setting
General Settings
Go to dashboard -> SUMO Payment Plans -> Settings -> General Settings
Create Next Payable Order -> For Payment Plans, next payable order will be created before the days which configured here. If set as 1, payable order will be created 1 day before payable date
Invoice Reminder -> Payment notification reminder emails will be sent before the payment date. If set as 3,2,1 then reminder emails will be sent before 3 days, 2 days and 1 day
Automatic Charge Reminder → If you want to give a reminder email notification in case of automatic payments, then set on which days emails has to be sent. If set as 3,2,1 then reminder emails will be sent before 3 days, 2 days and 1 day
Products that can be Placed in a Single Order → By default, any products can be purchased in a single checkout. In case if you want to restrict the user to add only products with installments/deposits in a single checkout, then select Multiple Payment Plan/Deposit Products option. If you want to restrict the user to purchase only one product with payment plan/deposit, then select Only One Payment Plan/Deposit Product option.
Charge Shipping Fee → By default, shipping fee will be charged during initial payment. In case, if you want to charge the shipping fee during the last payment, then select During Final Payment option
Overdue Payment Settings
Overdue Period -> If the payment is not made within the due date, the plan will go to Overdue status
Overdue Reminder -> Once the plan goes to Overdue, notification emails will be sent after the due date. If set as 1,2,3 then reminder emails will be sent after 1 day,2 days and 3 days after due date
Number of Attempts to Charge Automatic Payments during Overdue Status → In case of automatic payments, if the system is unable to charge the payments automatically, then it
will go to Overdue status and during that period system will retry to get payments automatically. How many times per day the system has to retry can be customized here
Payment Gateway Settings
Go to SUMO Payment Plan -> Settings -> General -> Payment Gateway Settings
Disable Payment Gateways → The selected payment gateways will be hidden at checkout page when Payment Plan/Deposit product is in Cart
Enable Automatic Payment Gateway → If enabled, automatic payment gateways will be displayed at checkout page when Payment Plan/Deposit product is in Cart
Automatic Payment Gateway Mode
Automatic/Manual → If this option is selected, customer will see a checkbox when automatic payment gateway is selected which when enabled, automatic payment will be enabled.
Force Automatic → If this option is selected, when customer choose automatic payment gateway, then the payments for that order will be charged automatically
Force Manual → If this option is selected, when customer choose automatic payment gateway, then the payments for that order will be charged manually
Enable Manual Payment Gateways → If this option is selected, manual payment gateways will be displayed along with automatic payment gateways in checkout page when payment plan/deposit product is in Cart.
Order Payment Plan Settings
Go to SUMO Payment Plans → Settings → Order PaymentPlan
Enable OrderPayment Plan → Select this checkbox to display Order Payment Plan checkbox in checkout page
Select Products → If you want to restrict Order PaymentPlan option to be displayed only if the cart contains specific products, then choose Selected Products option and select the products. If any other products are in the cart, then Order PaymentPlan option will not be displayed
Payment Type → Choose whether you want to get payment as Deposit/Payment Plan
Apply Global Level Settings → If you want to apply the settings configured in General Settings to be applied for Order Payment Plan, then enable this checkbox or else configure it here by disabling this checkbox
Minimum Order Total to Display Order PaymentPlan → Give the minimum order value for which the customer has the flexibility to pay the order using Deposit/Payment Plan
Maximum Order Total to Display Order PaymentPlan → Give the maximum order value for which the customer has the flexibility to pay the order using Deposit/Payment Plan
Order PaymentPlan in Checkout Page Label → Customize here the label to be displayed for Order Payment Plan in checkout page
Order PaymentPlan Product Label → Customize here the label to be given for Order Payment Plan Product
Show Order PaymentPlan option for → If you want to restrict Order PaymentPlan option to be displayed only for specific users, then you can Include/Exclude users here
Order PaymentPlan Position → Select the position where the Order PaymentPlan option has to be displayed in the checkout page.
Troubleshoot Settings
By default, when using order payment plan, all the products added in the cart will be displayed as multiple line items. If you want to display it in single line item, then select Single Line Item option
Advanced Settings
Go to SUMO Payment Plans → Settings → Advanced
Disable WooCommerce Emails for Payment Plan Orders → Processing Order and Completed Order emails will be sent from WooCommerce as well as from the plugin by default. If you want to disable sending WooCommerce emails, then select the emails which you don’t want to send for Payment Plan/Deposit orders
Calculate Price for Deposits/Payment Plans based on → The price for payment plan/deposit products will be calculated from Sale Price(if given) by default. If you don’t want to offer Sale price for customer if they opt for Payment Plan/Deposit, then select Regular Price option
Balance Payment Activation for Deposits/Payment Plans will be decided → By default, Payments will be Active as soon as the order status goes to Processing/Completed. In case, if you want to manually Activate the payments, then select After Admin Approval option.
Cancel Payment after Balance Payment Due Date → By default, when customer doesn’t makes the payment on/before the due date, then payment will move to Awaiting Cancel by Admin status which means admin has to manually Cancel the payment. During this status, customer can still make the payment and when paid, the status will move back to In Progress. If you don’t want this behavior and want to cancel the payment automatically, then select Automatically in this option.
Payment Identification Number Prefix → If you want to give a custom prefix for the Payment Identification Number, then give the prefix here
Hide Product Price in Single Product Page when User Selects the Payment Plans → If the checkbox is enabled, product price will be hidden if the user selects payment plan option
Date and Time Format → If you want to display Date and Time in the format which you have given in your WordPress settings, then select WordPress Format option.
Display Time → Using this, you can show/hide payment time in frontend.
Grant Permission to Download Files of Downloadable Products afer → If a downloadable product is purchased using payment plan/deposit, then by default, the download access will be given immediately after initial deposit payment. In case if you want to give access only after the completion of final payment, then select Final Payment option
Payment Plan Specific Date Settings
Payment Plan Behavior After Initial Payment Date → If a payment plan is a specific date payment plan, if a user see the product after the initial payment date, then that plan will be hidden for the product by default. In case if you want to add the previous installments with the upcoming installment, then select Add All the Previous Installment Amount and Charge with Current Installment Amount option
If No Valid Payment Plans are Available to Display → If all the payment plans linked to the product is invalid, then payment plan option will be disabled by default for the product so that user can purchase by making full payment. If Make the Product as Out of Stock option is selected, then the product will be displayed as Out of Stock
Email Settings
SUMO Payment Plans plugin has the following emails
- Payment Scheduled Email
- Payment Invoice – Payment Plan
- Payment Auto Charge Reminder – Payment Plan
- Payment Success – Payment Plan
- Payment Completed – Payment Plan
- Payment Overdue – Payment Plan
- Balance Payment Invoice – Deposit
- Balance Payment Auto Charge Reminder – Deposit
- Balance Payment Completed – Deposit
- Balance Payment Overdue – Deposit
- Payment Pending Authorization
- Payment Awaiting Cancel
- Payment Cancelled
You can enable/disable these emails in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails