Configuring Inbuilt Stripe Payment Gateway To Handle Automatic/Manual Payments
- In order to use the Inbuilt Stripe payment gateway, a Stripe Account is required. To obtain an account go to
- After sign up go to
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> SUMO Payment Plans – Stripe
- Enable the Payment Gateway.
- Enable the Test Mode check box.
- The Test secret key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API Test Secret Key field.
- The Test publishable key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API Test Publishable Key field.
- Card Brands to be Displayed →Selected card brands to be displayed in the gateway title.
- Saved Cards → Enable this option if you want your customers to save their cards for future payments on the site. Customers can manage their cards from their My Account Page → Payment method section
- Now, the products can be purchased using the Inbuilt Stripe payment Gateway.
- In order to make real Payments, disable the test mode and enter the Live secret key and Live publishable key.
- The Live secret key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API Live Secret Key field.
- The Live publishable key obtained from the account has to be entered in Stripe API Live Publishable Key field.
Automatic Payment Failure Settings
- Authenticate Future Renewals using Default Card(only if Saved Cards option is enabled) → If enabled, whenever payment failure happen(for any reason) for an already authorized payments, payment retry will happen automatically using the default card which was selected
- Pending Authorization Period → If banks decline the authorization given by the user for the automatic renewal of payments at the time of renewal, then Payments will move to Pending Authorization status. The payments will be in that status for the number of days which you set here
- Number of Emails to Send during Pending Authorization → During Pending Authorization, notification email for pending authorization will be send. In one day, how many emails has to be send can be configured in this option. If 2 is set, then 2 emails will be sent on a day
Note: If User selects Enable Automatic Payments checkbox and completes the order, then future installments or remaining balance payment will be automatically charged. If the checkbox is not selected, then user needs to pay the installments/balance manually.