Reviews Count on Trust Badges is Incorrect
To topYou might notice a discrepancy between the count of reviews shown on Trust Badges and the count of reviews shown on your shop’s page at There are several reasons that might cause this discrepancy.
- Please check if you are using any caching plugin on your site that might be serving a cached copy of the Trust Badge instead of the current version of the Trust Badge. Trust Badges are technically pictures, so they can be cached by various WordPress plugins for page load speed optimization. If you are using Google Chrome, it is possible to right-click on the Trust Badge and then select Open image in new tab command to see the actual URL of the picture. If domain in the picture’s URL is not, then the picture is definitely cached. You should then review configuration of your caching plugin(s) and set up an exception for caching of Trust Badges.
- Trust Badges are updated once in 24 hours. So, if you have any recent reviews, the count of reviews on Trust Badges might not immediately include them.