Reviews Not Showing on Product Page
A reviews section on product pages is one of the standard features of WooCommerce. You don’t need to install any additional plugins for showing product reviews.
However, sometimes we receive questions from WooCommerce shop owners about reviews not showing on product pages. So, we created this tutorial with an overview of WooCommerce settings that control display of reviews.
1. Enable Reviews in WooCommerce Settings
First, make sure that reviews are enabled in WooCommerce settings. Normally, reviews are enabled by default in new installation of WooCommerce, but you might have previously disabled them, so it is worth checking it.
- In the admin area of your store, click on WooCommerce and then Settings.
- Next, go to settings for products by clicking on Products tab and then choosing General tab.
- Scroll down to Reviews area where you will see settings for showing product reviews.
- Make sure that reviews are enabled.
- Optionally, you can decide if reviews can only be left by “verified owners”. A verified owner is someone who purchased the reviewed product from your store.
2. Enable Reviews in Product Settings
The second place that you should check is settings of an individual product. WooCommerce provides an option in product date for enabling or disabling reviews only for a particular product.
- In the admin area of your store, click on Products and then go to edit one of the products.
- On Edit Product screen, scroll down to Product Data section and click on Advanced tab.
- Verify that Enable reviews checkbox is ticked.
3. Check Your Theme
If you enabled reviews in WooCommerce settings and also in settings of an individual product, but reviews are still not displayed, then you should check your WordPress theme. On most WordPress themes, reviews will be tucked away at the bottom of the product page in a tab. But depending on design of your theme, reviews may be located somewhere else. If you don’t see reviews on the product page, it’s likely that your theme doesn’t support reviews. In this case, you should reach out to your theme developer.
To test if you theme is compatible with WooCommerce, do a simple test. Try to temporary activate any official WordPress or WooCommerce theme (e.g., and see if this resolves the problem.
4. Check Installed Plugins
There are plugins that were created specifically to disable reviews in WooCommerce. For example,
- Disable WooCommerce Reviews
- Disable Comments
- Other similar plugins
If you installed one of such plugins in the past, make sure to deactivate it.
Another example is Yotpo plugin. Yotpo doesn’t use the standard WooCommerce reviews functionality but stores all reviews on their own server. Yotpo plugin removes the standard WooCommerce reviews to show reviews from their server. Our plugin works with the standard WooCommerce reviews, so it is impossible to use it together with Yotpo at the same time.