Trust Badges Activation Error – Page Name is Already in Use
To topIf you receive the error message ‘Trust badges activation error: PAGE_NAME is already in use. Please enter a different page name.’ after trying to save settings on the Trust Badges tab in the plugin’s settings, it means that the page slug in the Verified Reviews Page field has already been registered for another domain.

What is the Verified Reviews Page?
To topThe value in the Verified Reviews Page field will be used to create a unique URL on to display verified copies of reviews about your store. Trust Badges will include a nofollow link to this page.
How to Resolve the Activation Error?
To topThe most common reason of this error is that Trust Badges were activated on your staging or development website before the live website. Therefore, the page slug was registered for the staging or development site and now cannot be used on the live site.
If this is the case, it is easy to resolve the error by following these steps:
- You should go to the plugin’s settings on your staging or development site
- Pick a different value for the Verified Reviews Page there and save settings (on the Trust Badges tab in the plugin’s settings)
- This will release the previous page slug for use on your live website
- Now, you should try to re-save settings (Trust Badges tab) on your live site and the error should disappear
If this solution didn’t work or if you do not have a staging / development site but still get the activation error, please get in touch with us by raising a new support ticket on this portal. We will be happy to assist you.