WooCommerce Product Discounts
This feature give you the option of creating discounts for WooCommerce products. To activate this option please go to UMP Dashboard -> Extensions -> WooCommerce Products Discount. Here you will have two sub-tabs: Manage Discounts and Settings. Head over to the Settings tab and activate this feature from here.

To create an offer go to the Manage Discounts tab and click on the Add New Discount button. You can activate or disable an offer without needing to delete it. Here you will add the Discount Amount value as either percentage or flat value.

Here you will choose which levels (multiple can be selected) are affected by this offer.

For the Products you can choose to have this offer be available for all the products, only for specific categories (ex: t-shirts) or specific products. Multiple products or categories can be selected.

Select a date range and then click save changes.